
Filtro de corriente

El distribuidor de energía Hydra Delta D6 proporciona una prueba convincente del compromiso de Shunyata Research de ofrecer un rendimiento de vanguardia a un precio asequible. El D6 lo ocupa merecidamente en nuestra línea de distribuidores de potencia Performance.

– Entrada para salida (100 kHz – 30 MHz) reducción de > 40dB
– Zona para zona (100 kHz – 30 MHz) reducción de > 50dB

– Paneles antivibratorios internos
– Juntas de amortiguación en la tomas
– Pies de aislamiento Shunyata


El distribuidor de energía Hydra Delta D6 proporciona una prueba convincente del compromiso de Shunyata Research de ofrecer un rendimiento de vanguardia a un precio asequible. El D6 lo ocupa merecidamente en nuestra línea de distribuidores de potencia Performance.

Por primera vez, Shunyata Research ha incorporado sus mejores y más exclusivas tecnologías en un paquete con un precio tan asequible que redefinirá el valor mucho más allá de su precio.

La incomparable combinación de reducción de ruido medible, ciencia patentada, piezas exclusivas y garantía limitada de por vida de Hydra Delta D6 será imposible de encontrar fuera de la línea meticulosamente elaborada a mano de los distribuidores de energía de referencia de Shunyata Research.

DTCD® DISEÑADO (Entrega dinámica de corriente transitoria)
El Hydra Delta D6 fue diseñado utilizando el analizador DTCD® de Shunyata Research. El análisis DTCD® mide la corriente instantánea a través de conductores y contactos eléctricos de impedancia extremadamente baja. Shunyata Research lo utiliza para optimizar el diseño y el rendimiento de nuestros acondicionadores y cableado de potencia.

Los acondicionadores de energía tradicionales están diseñados para bloquear el ruido entrante desde el exterior de la casa, pero no abordan el ruido generado por los propios componentes electrónicos. De hecho, la mayoría de los acondicionadores reflejan el ruido en otros componentes conectados al acondicionador de energía. CCI ™ (interferencia de componente a componente) es uno de los aspectos más importantes pero a menudo pasados ​​por alto para el rendimiento del sistema de energía. El filtro CCI ™ de Shunyata consiste en un filtro patentado de múltiples etapas que reduce el ruido eléctrico y la interferencia generada por la fuente de alimentación.

La NIC ™ (cámara de aislamiento de ruido) es una tecnología patentada que reduce el ruido de la línea de alta frecuencia. Las NIC ™ usan sustancias ferroeléctricas que realmente absorben el ruido de alta frecuencia. Esto permite que el distribuidor de energía Hydra Delta D6 reduzca el ruido sin ninguna de las interacciones negativas asociadas con los diseños convencionales de acondicionadores de energía.
[Patente de EE. UU.: 8,658,892]

Cuando se trata de reducir el ruido, los ingenieros se centran principalmente en las líneas eléctricas de CA, con poca o ninguna atención a las líneas de tierra. La línea de tierra entrante y el plano de tierra del acondicionador de energía interno en realidad pueden actuar como antenas, atrayendo ruido eléctrico que puede interferir con el funcionamiento de los componentes conectados. Ground Plane Noise Reduction es una tecnología patentada desarrollada por Shunyata Research para reducir significativamente la interferencia causada por este fenómeno, proporcionando así una experiencia de audio más pura.

El Hydra Delta D6 tiene una potencia nominal total de 20 amperios de corriente continua (16 amperios en el modelo de la UE), lo que garantiza una entrega de energía sin restricciones a los sistemas de entretenimiento complejos, incluidos aquellos con amplificadores de alta potencia. Los interruptores electromagnéticos avanzados, además de buses masivos y conductores ArNi® de calibre 8, proporcionan un contraste dinámico excepcional y un impacto de graves.

Los acondicionadores de energía comunes usan fusibles o disyuntores térmicos para protección contra sobrecorriente. Cuando están muy cargados, pueden causar caídas de voltaje, mayor impedancia de contacto, ruido térmico, generación excesiva de calor y efectos limitantes de corriente. El Hydra Delta D6 usa una solución más avanzada llamada un interruptor electromagnético hidráulico que funciona hasta la corriente máxima sin las limitaciones de fusibles o interruptores térmicos.

Los distribuidores de energía del modelo estadounidense y asiático Hydra Delta D6 incluyen salidas Hubbell que usan un sistema de contacto de triple limpieza y tienen amplias áreas de contacto para sujetar un enchufe desde tres lados diferentes, proporcionando una integridad eléctrica superior. Los tomacorrientes Hubbell cuentan con una correa trasera de latón sólido que garantiza una conexión a tierra confiable que puede reducir el ruido y el zumbido. El modelo europeo Hydra Delta D6 incluye tomas de corriente de estilo europeo que cuentan con contactos de aleación diseñados para aceptar conductores de gran calibre.

Hydra Delta D6 incluye la solución única de Shunyata Research para el problema de los cables pesados ​​de alta gama. La base del cable soporta el peso de los cables de alimentación, evitando que se alejen de la toma de corriente. Este sistema está diseñado para garantizar conexiones eléctricas confiables y seguras.

La base de cable solo está disponible en los modelos de EE. UU. Y AS

Shunyata Research ha desarrollado una línea patentada de conductores ArNi®. Están hechos de cobre certificado OFE C10100 (Certificado ASTM F68). Los hilos de alambre están dispuestos en una exclusiva geometría VTX ™ de tubo hueco que reduce los efectos en la piel. Los conductores ArNi® se tratan con el exclusivo proceso de inversión de fase cinética (KPIP ™) de Shunyata Research durante un período de 8 días.

Manejo de la vibración
La vibración mecánica puede ser muy destructiva para el rendimiento del sistema. El Hydra Delta D6 fue diseñado desde su inicio para incluir formas avanzadas de control de vibraciones que mejoran la recuperación de sutiles detalles y matices musicales. Todos los paneles del chasis y las estructuras internas están tratados con materiales amortiguadores de vibraciones. Las salidas están aisladas del chasis con juntas amortiguadoras de vibraciones que reducen la vibración conducida a través de los cables de CA. Todos los módulos internos, filtros y componentes electrónicos están encapsulados en un compuesto absorbente de vibraciones.

Cada Hydra Delta D6 se trata con el proceso de inversión de fase cinética (KPIP ™) patentado por Shunyata Research. El KPIP ™ reduce drásticamente el tiempo de quemado y mejora significativamente el rendimiento sonoro.

Muchos de los componentes eléctricos del Hydra Delta D6 se tratan en el propio laboratorio criogénico avanzado controlado por computadora de Shunyata Research. Se desaconseja el tratamiento criogénico adicional de la unidad y anulará su garantía.

El Hydra Delta D6 viene de serie con los pies de página de amortiguación de vibraciones de Shunyata Research. Los distribuidores de energía reaccionan de manera muy similar a los amplificadores en relación con la vibración transmitida por el piso. Los pies de página de Shunyata Research fueron diseñados específicamente para reducir la vibración de la plataforma de soporte.

Los pies de página pueden actualizarse opcionalmente a pies de página de acero inoxidable SSF-38. Después de investigar múltiples formas de métodos de disipación de energía, Shunyata Research desarrolló el SSF-38 para proporcionar las características de rendimiento de un costoso aislador del mercado secundario pero a una fracción del costo.

The Hydra Delta D6 power distributor provides compelling proof of Shunyata Research’s commitment to delivering state-of-the-art performance at an affordable price. The D6 deservedly takes it place in our Performance Line of power distributors.

For the first time Shunyata Research has incorporated its finest, most exclusive technologies into a package priced so affordably that it will redefine value well beyond its price.

The Hydra Delta D6’s unheard of combination of measurable noise reduction, patented science, exclusive parts and limited life-time warranty will be impossible to find outside of Shunyata Research’s meticulously hand-crafted line of reference power distributors.

True to form, Shunyata Research wasted no time in applying its finest patented technologies and performance features – previously available only in Hydra Triton v2 and Hydra Denali models – into the affordable Hydra Delta D6 outlet model.

In addition to offering enough outlets to power any complex system, the Hydra Delta D6 delivers a staggering > 40dB @ 1mHz. By any standard the performance of this unit represents a new benchmark for performance at and well beyond its retail price.

The Hydra Delta D6 deliver all this performance along with Shunyata Research’s signature DTCD® (Dynamic Transient Current Delivery) technology, allowing it to be paired with an unlimited variety of electronics including high-current amps, projectors, digital front ends and entire systems.

The Hydra Delta D6 outlets are supported by Shunyata’s own cable-cradle system for the ultimate in grip and protected connection. The unit comes equipped with Shunyata Research’s finest Trident-Defense protection system, backed up by an uncompromising Limited Lifetime Transferable Warranty.


The Hydra Delta D6 has six outlets. The unit has no limitations with DTCD® (instantaneous current) and is rated at a full 20A (16A on EU model). All outlets are extremely high-current capable.

The Hydra Delta D6 will deliver reference-caliber performance for all systems, whether primarily film, music, sound or recording.

Raising the bar for performance, value and customer satisfaction has been the driving force behind the design of Shunyata Research’s products for 20 years. The Hydra Delta D6 is the embodiment of Shunyata Research’s enormous progress toward those ideals.

DTCD® DESIGNED (Dynamic Transient Current Delivery)

The Hydra Delta D6 was designed using Shunyata Research’s DTCD® analyzer. DTCD® Analysis measures instantaneous current through extremely-low impedance electrical conductors and contacts.  Shunyata Research uses it to optimize the design and performance of our power conditioners and power cabling.


Traditional power conditioners are designed to block incoming noise from outside the home but they do not address the noise that is generated by the electronic components themselves. In fact, most conditioners reflect noise back into other components connected to the power conditioner. CCI™ (Component-to-Component Interference) is one of the most significant but often overlooked aspects to power system performance. Shunyata’s CCI™ filter consists of a proprietary multi-stage filter that reduces electrical noise and power supply generated interference.


The NIC™ (Noise Isolation Chamber) is a patented technology that reduces high-frequency power line noise. NICs™ use ferroelectric substances that actually absorb high-frequency noise. This allows the Hydra Delta D6 power distributor to reduce noise without any of the negative interactions associated with conventional power conditioner designs.
[ US Patent: 8,658,892 ]


When it comes to reducing noise, engineers focus primarily on the AC electrical lines, with little if any thought given to the ground lines. The incoming ground line and the internal power conditioner ground plane can actually act as antennae, drawing in electrical noise that may interfere with the operation of the connected components. Ground Plane Noise Reduction is a proprietary technology developed by Shunyata Research to significantly reduce interference caused by this phenomenon, thereby providing a more pure audio experience.


The Hydra Delta D6 is rated at a full 20 Amps of continuous current (16 Amps on EU model), ensuring unfettered power delivery to complex entertainment systems, including those with high-powered amplifiers. Advanced electromagnetic breakers in addition to massive buss and 8-gauge ArNi® conductors provide exceptional dynamic contrast and bass impact.


Common power conditioners use fuses or thermal breakers for over-current protection. When heavily loaded, they may cause voltage drops, increased contact impedance, thermal noise, excessive heat generation, and current-limiting effects. The Hydra Delta D6 uses a more advanced solution called a hydraulic electromagnetic breaker that operates right up to the maximum current rating without the limitations of fuses or thermal breakers.


The US and Asian model Hydra Delta D6 power distributors include Hubbell outlets that use a triple-wipe contact system and have broad contact areas to grip a plug from three different sides, providing superior electrical integrity. Hubbell outlets feature a solid brass back-strap that ensures a reliable ground connection that may reduce noise and hum. The European model Hydra Delta D6 includes Euro-style mains sockets that feature alloy contacts designed to accept large-gauge conductors.


The Hydra Delta D6 includes Shunyata Research’s unique solution for the problem of heavy high-end power cables. The Cable Cradle supports the weight of the power cables, preventing them from pulling away from the outlet. This system is designed to ensure reliable and secure electrical connections.

The Cable Cradle is only available on US and AS models


Shunyata Research has developed a proprietary line of ArNi® conductors. They are made from certified OFE C10100 (Certified ASTM F68) copper. The wire strands are arrayed in a unique hollow tube VTX™ geometry that reduces skin effects. ArNi® conductors are treated with Shunyata Research’s exclusive Kinetic Phase Inversion Process (KPIP™) for a period of 8 days.


Mechanical vibration can be very destructive to system performance. The Hydra Delta D6 was designed from its inception to include advanced forms of vibration control that improve the recovery of subtle musical detail and nuance. All chassis panels and internal structures are treated with vibration-dampening materials. The outlets are isolated from the chassis with vibration-dampening gaskets that reduce vibration conducted through the AC cables. All internal modules, filters, and electronics are encapsulated in a vibration-absorbent compound.


Each Hydra Delta D6 is treated with Shunyata Research’s proprietary Kinetic Phase Inversion Process (KPIP™). The KPIP™ dramatically reduces burn-in time and significantly improves sonic performance.


Many of the electrical components in the Hydra Delta D6 are treated in Shunyata Research’s own advanced computer-controlled cryogenics lab. Further cryogenic treatment of the unit is strongly discouraged, and will void your warranty.


The Hydra Delta D6 comes standard with Shunyata Research’s vibration-dampening footers. Power distributors react very similarly to amplifiers in relationship to floor-borne vibration. Shunyata Research’s footers were specifically designed to reduce vibration from the supporting platform.

The footers may be optionally upgraded to SSF-38 stainless steel footers. After researching multiple forms of energy dissipation methods, Shunyata Research developed the SSF-38 to provide the performance characteristics of an expensive after-market isolator but at a fraction of the cost.

DTCD® DESIGNED (Dynamic Transient Current Delivery)

The Hydra Delta D6 was designed using Shunyata Research’s DTCD® analyzer. DTCD® Analysis measures instantaneous current through extremely-low impedance electrical conductors and contacts.  Shunyata Research uses it to optimize the design and performance of our power conditioners and power cabling.


Traditional power conditioners are designed to block incoming noise from outside the home but they do not address the noise that is generated by the electronic components themselves. In fact, most conditioners reflect noise back into other components connected to the power conditioner. CCI™ (Component-to-Component Interference) is one of the most significant but often overlooked aspects to power system performance. Shunyata’s CCI™ filter consists of a proprietary multi-stage filter that reduces electrical noise and power supply generated interference.


The NIC™ (Noise Isolation Chamber) is a patented technology that reduces high-frequency power line noise. NICs™ use ferroelectric substances that actually absorb high-frequency noise. This allows the Hydra Delta D6 power distributor to reduce noise without any of the negative interactions associated with conventional power conditioner designs.
[ US Patent: 8,658,892 ]


When it comes to reducing noise, engineers focus primarily on the AC electrical lines, with little if any thought given to the ground lines. The incoming ground line and the internal power conditioner ground plane can actually act as antennae, drawing in electrical noise that may interfere with the operation of the connected components. Ground Plane Noise Reduction is a proprietary technology developed by Shunyata Research to significantly reduce interference caused by this phenomenon, thereby providing a more pure audio experience.


The Hydra Delta D6 is rated at a full 20 Amps of continuous current (16 Amps on EU model), ensuring unfettered power delivery to complex entertainment systems, including those with high-powered amplifiers. Advanced electromagnetic breakers in addition to massive buss and 8-gauge ArNi® conductors provide exceptional dynamic contrast and bass impact.


Common power conditioners use fuses or thermal breakers for over-current protection. When heavily loaded, they may cause voltage drops, increased contact impedance, thermal noise, excessive heat generation, and current-limiting effects. The Hydra Delta D6 uses a more advanced solution called a hydraulic electromagnetic breaker that operates right up to the maximum current rating without the limitations of fuses or thermal breakers.


The US and Asian model Hydra Delta D6 power distributors include Hubbell outlets that use a triple-wipe contact system and have broad contact areas to grip a plug from three different sides, providing superior electrical integrity. Hubbell outlets feature a solid brass back-strap that ensures a reliable ground connection that may reduce noise and hum. The European model Hydra Delta D6 includes Euro-style mains sockets that feature alloy contacts designed to accept large-gauge conductors.


The Hydra Delta D6 includes Shunyata Research’s unique solution for the problem of heavy high-end power cables. The Cable Cradle supports the weight of the power cables, preventing them from pulling away from the outlet. This system is designed to ensure reliable and secure electrical connections.

The Cable Cradle is only available on US and AS models


Shunyata Research has developed a proprietary line of ArNi® conductors. They are made from certified OFE C10100 (Certified ASTM F68) copper. The wire strands are arrayed in a unique hollow tube VTX™ geometry that reduces skin effects. ArNi® conductors are treated with Shunyata Research’s exclusive Kinetic Phase Inversion Process (KPIP™) for a period of 8 days.


Mechanical vibration can be very destructive to system performance. The Hydra Delta D6 was designed from its inception to include advanced forms of vibration control that improve the recovery of subtle musical detail and nuance. All chassis panels and internal structures are treated with vibration-dampening materials. The outlets are isolated from the chassis with vibration-dampening gaskets that reduce vibration conducted through the AC cables. All internal modules, filters, and electronics are encapsulated in a vibration-absorbent compound.


Each Hydra Delta D6 is treated with Shunyata Research’s proprietary Kinetic Phase Inversion Process (KPIP™). The KPIP™ dramatically reduces burn-in time and significantly improves sonic performance.


Many of the electrical components in the Hydra Delta D6 are treated in Shunyata Research’s own advanced computer-controlled cryogenics lab. Further cryogenic treatment of the unit is strongly discouraged, and will void your warranty.


The Hydra Delta D6 comes standard with Shunyata Research’s vibration-dampening footers. Power distributors react very similarly to amplifiers in relationship to floor-borne vibration. Shunyata Research’s footers were specifically designed to reduce vibration from the supporting platform.

The footers may be optionally upgraded to SSF-38 stainless steel footers. After researching multiple forms of energy dissipation methods, Shunyata Research developed the SSF-38 to provide the performance characteristics of an expensive after-market isolator but at a fraction of the cost.


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