

• Tipo: brazo de rodamiento cardánico
• Longitud efectiva: 250 mm
• Distancia pivote-a-husillo: 233.5 mm
• Proyección: 16.5 mm
• Ángulo de desplazamiento: 22 °
• Masa efectiva: 11g
• Desplazamiento del cojinete: 22 °
• Cáscara amortiguada
• Brazo amortiguado coaxial de aluminio recocido
• Diseño de yugo de sujeción que acopla firmemente el tubo de la cáscara al tubo del cojinete, formando una sola unidad que permite la rotación acimutal del cabezal.
• Amortiguación del brazo de tono del fluido de silicona
• Rodamientos con conos de aguja hechos a mano, endurecidos y pulidos
• Diseño progresivo antideslizante
• Sistema sofisticado de contrapesos desacoplados, lo que permite una fuerza de aguja adecuada para cualquier cartucho sin alterar la masa efectiva
• Fácil instalación de 3 tornillos, sin orificio grande de VTA



Resultado de años de investigación y diseño, el exclusivo diseño de doble pivote de los Tri-Planars ofrece la máxima capacidad de ajuste y la precisión de un reloj.

1. acimut ajustable
2. Ángulo de seguimiento vertical ajustable
3. Rodamiento vertical a la altura de registro

Un diseño que aborda completamente los tres planos de geometría de brazo de tono.

El arma de fuego Tri-Planar es el “Mk. VII”, comúnmente conocido como el “Tonearm de precisión Tri-Planar”.

El brazo crea un escenario de sonido musical incomparable por cualquier otro. Se ha descrito como poderoso y dinámico, sólido pero expresivo, delicado y táctil. La excelente calidad de este brazo, comentada una y otra vez, es que es invisible, carece de las coloraciones que afectan a tantos de nuestros competidores.

Después de más de 30 años en la industria, el Tri-Planar continúa siendo calificado entre los mejores del mundo.


• Cáscara amortiguada
• Brazo amortiguado coaxial de aluminio recocido
• Diseño de yugo de sujeción que acopla firmemente el tubo de la cáscara al tubo del cojinete, formando una sola unidad que permite la rotación acimutal del cabezal.
• Amortiguación del brazo de tono del fluido de silicona
• Rodamientos con conos de aguja hechos a mano, endurecidos y pulidos
• Diseño progresivo antideslizante
• Sistema sofisticado de contrapesos desacoplados, lo que permite una fuerza de aguja adecuada para cualquier cartucho sin alterar la masa efectiva
• Fácil instalación de 3 tornillos, sin orificio grande de VTA


• Tipo: brazo de rodamiento cardánico
• Longitud efectiva: 250 mm
• Distancia pivote-a-husillo: 233.5 mm
• Proyección: 16.5 mm
• Ángulo de desplazamiento: 22 °
• Masa efectiva: 11g
• Desplazamiento del cojinete: 22 °


“Tomados en conjunto, el cartucho de bobina móvil Miyabi 47, el brazo pivotante Tri-Planar VII y la mesa Kuzma de aspecto modesto logran un nivel de reproducción fiel para los mejores LP que ningún otro ensamblaje de este tipo en la experiencia de HP puede igualar. otros ensambles de reproducción analógica suenan velados, ligeramente desenfocados, y cualquier cosa menos “real”. Con este combo, puedes sentir que Salome ha levantado sus sexto y séptimo velos, dejándote con la belleza desnuda de la música “.

“[The Tri-Planar Ultimate Mk. VII] elimina las coloraciones … pero deja la ‘exuberancia’ y la ‘dulzura’ de la música en un campo de gran resolución y definición”.

– Harry Pearson, “Productos recomendados”, The Absolute Sound Issue 144, octubre / noviembre de 2003: página 63.

“Su capacidad para extraer el rendimiento óptimo del cartucho constituye una verdadera ventaja en esta carrera de armamentos en particular …

Tan discreta es la firma del Tri-Planar que parece casi falso discutir su sonido. Tiene más sentido discutir la ausencia de sonido: la forma en que permite que la dinámica musical, la energía y el color se expandan sin obstáculos en un escenario acústico maravillosamente transparente ….

El Tri-Planar permite que la música suceda en una libertad tan dinámica y rítmica que la estructura nunca está en duda, la música nunca menos que dramática. En este sentido, coincide fácilmente con la coherencia general de los mejores rastreadores paralelos …. “- HIFI +

“Potente y dinámico, sólido pero expresivo, delicado y táctil. La combinación de virtudes sacará el máximo provecho de prácticamente cualquier cartucho y extenderá prácticamente cualquier sistema”.


The result of years of research and design, the Tri-Planars’ unique dual-pivot design offers maximum adjustability and watch-like precision. 

1. Adjustable azimuth
2. Adjustable vertical tracking angle
3. Vertical bearing at record height 

A design which completely addresses all three planes of tonearm geometry.

 he Tri-Planar Ultimate Tonearm 

The Tri-Planar flagship tonearm is the “Mk. VII,” commonly referred to as the “Tri-Planar Precision Tonearm.” 

The arm creates a musical sound stage unmatched by any other. It has been described as powerful and dynamic, solid yet expressive, delicate and tactile. The outstanding quality of this arm, commented on time and again, is that it is invisible, lacking the colorations that plague so many of our competitors. 

After over 30 years in the industry, the Tri-Planar continues to be rated among the world’s best.

• Damped headshell
• Annealed-aluminum coaxial damped armtube
• Clamping yoke design that firmly couples the headshell tube to the bearing tube, making for a single unit yet allowing azimuth rotation of the headshell
• Silicone-fluid trough tonearm damping
• Bearings featuring hand-crafted, hardened and polished needle cones
• Progressive anti-skating design
• Sophisticated system of decoupled counterweights, allowing proper stylus force for any cartridge without altering effective mass
• Easy 3-screw installation, with no large VTA hole

• Type: gimbal-bearing tonearm
• Effective length: 250mm
• Pivot-to-spindle distance: 233.5mm
• Overhang: 16.5mm
• Offset angle: 22°
• Effective mass: 11g
• Bearing offset: 22°

 “Taken together, the Miyabi 47 moving coil cartridge, the Tri-Planar VII pivoted arm, and the modest-looking Kuzma table achieve a level of playback truth for the best LPs that no other such assemblage in HP’s experience can match. By comparison, other analog playback assemblies sound veiled, slightly unfocused, and anything but ‘real.’ With this combo, you may well feel that Salome has lifted her sixth and seventh veils, leaving you with the naked beauty of the music.”    -THE ABSOLUTE SOUND- GOLDEN EAR AWARD

 “[The Tri-Planar Ultimate Mk. VII] removes colorations… but leaves the ‘lushness’ and ‘sweetness’ of the music in a field of the highest resolve and definition.”

 Harry Pearson, “Recommended Products,” The Absolute Sound Issue 144, October/November 2003: page 63.

” Its ability to extract the optimum performance from the cartridge so readily constitutes a real head start in this particular arms race…. 

So unobtrusive is the signature of the Tri-Planar that it seems almost disingenuous to discuss its sound. It makes more sense to discuss the absence of sound: the way it allows musical dynamics, energy, and colour to expand unimpeded into a wonderfully transparent soundstage…. 

The Tri-Planar allows the music to happen in such dynamic and rhythmic freedom that the structure is never in doubt, the music never less than dramatic. In this respect it easily matches the overall coherence of the best parallel trackers….”  – HIFI+

  “Powerful and dynamic, solid yet expressive, delicate and tactile. The combination of virtues will make the most of virtually any cartridge and extend virtually any system.” 


U-10 Mk. VII Tonearm

The Tri-Planar U-10 Mk. VII is the most versatile, sensitive and precise 10″ tonearm there is.

Over 30 years in research and design, (the brainchild of watchmaker & music lover Herb Papier) the Tri-Planar Mk. VII tonearm has a unique dual-pivot design that offers maximum adjustability and watch-like precision upon all three planes of geometry: 1. Adjustable azimuth  2. Adjustable vertical tracking angle  and 3. Vertical bearing at record height.

The unique dual-pivot design of the Tri-Planar Mk. VII tonearm provides unrivaled tracking, transparency, and resolution.

The arm creates a musical sound stage unmatched by any other. It has been described as powerful and dynamic, solid yet expressive, delicate and tactile. The outstanding quality of this arm, commented on time and again, is that it is invisible, lacking the colorations that plague so many of its competitors.  Schedule a listening session now.

Available in Silver or Black anodized finish


  • Damped headshell  All Photos: Wes Bender © 2013
  • Annealed-aluminum coaxial damped armtube
  • Clamping yoke design that firmly couples the headshell tube to the bearing tube, making for a single unit yet allowing azimuth rotation of the headshell
  • Silicone-fluid trough tonearm damping
  • Bearings featuring hand-crafted, hardened and polished needle cones
  • Progressive anti-skating design
  • Sophisticated system of decoupled counterweights, allowing proper stylus force for any cartridge without altering effective mass
  • Easy 3-screw installation, with no large VTA hole 


  • Type: gimbal-bearing tonearm
  • Effective length: 250mm
  • Pivot-to-spindle distance: 233.5mm
  • Overhang: 16.5mm
  • Offset angle: 22°
  • Effective mass: 11g
  • Bearing offset: 22° 

By comparison, the VII made both the Graham and VPI unipivoted designs sound slow and slightly out of focus, in the way the desert, say, can cause images to float and shimmer. The Tri-Planar grounded every image firmly in place [and] opened up the back corners of the soundstage. Harry Pearson, HP’s Workshop: HP’s Super Components List Part II. The Absolute Sound Issue 143, August/September 2003: page 101.

Soundstage – There is a unique kind of atmosphere to the Tri-Planars sound, an engrossing view of the music that nudges performers closer to a lifelike physical presence. The Tri-Planar is a musical extrovert, not for what it demands from you while you listen, but rather for what it does – its wholly natural way of unifying the entirety of the performance.

What else can be said? The Tri-Planar tonearm, currently in its Mk. VII iteration, is easily one of the worlds most well respected tonearms. Easily recognizable, the Tri-planar offers unparalleled performance and sonic reproduction. It’s well crafted design allows advanced users to finely tune the Tri-planar to meet their exacting needs. For the beginners, the Tri-planar simply offers world class performance out-of-the box. Rarely does one see a product so exacting, yet so easy to use. Used as a reference tonearm around the world, the Tri-planar Mk. VII provides a high precision tonearm that will mate with almost all modern phono cartridges and turntables. It’s longevity is a testament to it’s brilliant design and workmanship.

The Tri-planar creates a musical sound stage unmatched by any other. It has been described as powerful and dynamic, solid yet expressive, delicate and tactile. The outstanding quality of this arm, commented on time and again, is that it is invisible, lacking the colorations that plague so many others. After over 30 years in the industry, the Tri-Planar continues to be rated among the world’s best.

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